My Foster Care Story
It was a Thursday, months after my husband and I had become licensed Foster Parents, when we got our first call! "We have 2 boys, ages 4 and 6. We're removing them you want them?" said the DCYF worker on the phone. "Great, they'll be at your house in a couple hours".
And, so it began! Luckily I was able to call her back with their sizes and make a quick stop at Target on the way home to pick up a few things. $250 later, I had bought a few changes of clothes for each child, Pull-ups, and a few healthy snack foods!
Later that month at our Support Group, we learned this is often how it happens, and many Foster Parents are burdened by the "upfront" cost of caring for someone else's child while they wait for state reimbursement at the end of the month.
I decided there needed to be a better way to help Foster Parents who selflessly help these fragile children in their moment of need. And, The Pass Along Project was born!
~ Lynette Kaichen, Founder